Custodians of the Future
Training Biodynamic Farmers in Leadership and Management

In the heart of the UK’s agricultural landscape, a pivotal workshop unfolded on Saturday, March 9th, 2024, at Emerson College. This event, hosted by St Anthony’s Trust, brought together 50 participants from the biodynamic, agro-ecological, and agricultural education sectors. Their mission is to explore the pressing need for enhanced management and leadership training for biodynamic farmers and growers.

The workshop, driven by St Anthony’s Trust’s charitable mission, sought to illuminate the path towards a new era of biodynamic farm custodianship. It delved into the training gap that hinders the growth of biodynamic agriculture, a holistic approach that prioritises soil health, plant and animal well-being, and environmental sustainability.

Key Findings

The workshop unveiled a significant lack of management training and career progression support for biodynamic farmers. Existing training opportunities often focus on new entrants, leaving experienced practitioners with limited avenues for professional growth. A recurring theme was the reluctance of experienced farmers to seek further knowledge, highlighting the need for innovative and accessible training formats.

The future of biodynamic training sparked lively debate. While integrating biodynamic training into the broader agro- ecological framework was proposed, concerns arose about maintaining the unique spiritual and regenerative essence of biodynamic practices. The workshop ultimately emphasised the need to foster a paradigm shift in agricultural practices, positioning biodynamic farming as a holistic and regenerative solution for the future.

A New Paradigm: Biodynamic Farm Custodianship

The concept of biodynamic farm custodianship emerged as a central theme. Biodynamic farms are complex organisms that thrive through a harmonious connection between land, farmers, and community. Participants emphasised the importance of nurturing a spiritual connection to the land and community, alongside cultivating the practical skills necessary for farm management. The workshop envisioned a curriculum that embraces spirituality, emotional intelligence, and practical business acumen, ultimately producing well-rounded custodians of biodynamic farms.

Components of a New Curriculum

A vision for a transformative curriculum began to take shape, encompassing:

  • Spirituality at the core: Integrating the cosmos, the community, and the individual into the heart of biodynamic farm leadership.
  • A regenerative vision: Embracing the three-fold order, emphasizing the rights and responsibilities towards the land, farmers, and community.
  • Emotional intelligence: Fostering empathy, caring, listening, self-awareness, compassion, humility, accountability, and responsibility.
  • The farm manager as conductor: Equipping custodians with the skills to lead, manage, communicate effectively, and foster a thriving farm organism.
  • Meditative practice: Embedding meditative practices into the curriculum to cultivate a deep connection to the land and foster a conscious approach to farming.

Developing a New Educational Organism

The workshop concluded with a call to action for the creation of a new educational organism designed to deliver this transformative curriculum. It was acknowledged that no current farm management training fully addresses the unique needs of biodynamic farming. The envisioned educational model would prioritize in situ learning, recognizing the individuality of each farm and farmer. A flexible and accessible training program, led by experienced biodynamic farmers and supported by professional educators, would provide a comprehensive and personalized learning experience.



The workshop organised by the trustees of St Anthony’s Trust and Neil Ravenscroft laid the groundwork for a transformative shift in the education and training of biodynamic farmers and growers. By fostering a new generation of farm custodians who embody the principles of biodynamic agriculture, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and regenerative future for agriculture in the UK.

Could you Support Our Work?

The trustees welcome input as to where the Trust can best serve the community in fulfilling our objectives. To do this effectively, we are dependent on legacies and donations. If you wish to invest or make a donation please contact us, or you can donate now.

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